
Our theme for this year’s Stewardship Campaign is: Better Together. Inside you will find some of the many things about Trinity that inspire us to give. We hope that you will consider all the ways Trinity has inspired you as you think about making your 2024-2025 estimate of giving.

—Your 2024 Stewardship Committee


Trinity is busy! Each of the wonderful ministry, mission, and other moments we do are because of your commitment to Trinity. It is time to build upon that commitment through our 2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign – Better Together!

Our campaign this year is about time, talents, and treasures, all things that we are gifted with. Our Estimate of Giving cards this year, therefore, reflect this and give you an opportunity to challenge yourself to give finances, time, and skills/passions. We look forward to all the ways we will be working better together!


  • $1.2 million in total Estimate of Giving
  • Increase in giving units over current levels
  • 50% of all Estimates of Giving are either new or increased levels
Current Achievement
Card Goal: 94%
Financial Goal: 95%

Spiritual Act

Giving is a spiritual act. Through our financial support of the ministries of the church we put our faith into practice. Not only is this vital to underwrite and make possible the many ministries of the church, but for each of us it is a spiritual exercise. When we give we prioritize, we make decisions, and in a very tangible way we determine God’s place and importance in our lives.

The Biblical guideline is the tithe, or first fruits. It means that we dedicate to God the first 10% of our income. (Malachi 3:8-10.)

Stewardship vs Capital

The recent capital campaign is to address specific facility upgrades and renovations. The Stewardship Campaign allows us to fund the day-to-day operations and ministries of Trinity. The two are totally separate, supporting different needs of the church. Both are important, and both together allow Trinity to be a great base of operations for our ministries in Richmond and beyond.